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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where Is That Pesky Orgasm?

Today I was reading Chapter 9 - Location of Orgasm in a Woman. Fascinating read. I am going to boil down two pages into two words... the clitoris.  Thank you for recognizing that, Dr. Greenblatt.

What was interesting is that he felt the need to point out that there are other erogenous zones.

"The breasts are erogenous zones to a marked degree and most women can be highly excited by proper attention to them before or during coitus. It is possible to fondle them in many posions of intercourse and in the face to face position with the woman sintting on the man's lap it is possible to fondle or kiss them alternately, a caress is deeply appreciated by normal women."

(Everytime I read the word coitus it is in Dr. Sheldon Cooper's voice. coitus.)

Most women are highly excited by a proper fondling, but they only appreciate a caress...if they are NORMAL. Normal women will also appreciate such "simple pleasures" as a nibble on the earlobe or a kiss on the inner thighs.  

Slow down Dr. Love. You are getting way too frisky for a technical manual.

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